Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Navigli - Sunday Antique Market

Last Sunday in Milan

Hi from Baldhead after long, very long. This post is special as this has images captured in Italy, about Navigli (Milan) but posted from Mumbai, India on a beautiful rainy afternoon.

So, there is this antique market which happens on the last sunday of every month by the sides of the Navigli canal in Milan. Baldhead missed out on every sundays but he managed to make it during the last sunday of May, also his last sunday in Milan.

Interesting people, Interesting stuff, lot of colors. A must go for people who are there in Milan during the last sunday of any month.

So, on a sunday Navigli promises anything and everything, stylish people all around, by the sides of Navigli canal. Navigli is also famous for lot of restaurants and happy hours. You dont have to walk around hungry and tired.

Before baldhead leaves for a quick tea, he would like to thank his friends Kang and Yoonhye for taking him to this place. 'Lee ho' and 'Anyongsey'.

See you all soon with some Mumbai Cutting chai and bollywood styles from the streets.
'chai ho'

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily walk-Faces met

Streets Of Milan

Hi from Baldhead after long. It's the last few days of his student life in Milan, the laptop still 'Pagal' (pagal in hindi means Mad), so again a borrowed laptop to share some images which he came across during the routine walks through the streets of Milan . Not much to say....Hope good things are happening to all.

The Ompnipresent - 'Ganesha (God of Hindu Mythology)-the print

Too many Rayban's on the street- afterall 'NEVER HIDE'

This machine is getting popular, dont know what do they call it.It was just one few months back, now its 3. Really cool.

Time to say bye...so, as promised to a Chinese/Taiwanese friend...LEE-HO (means bye in Chinese)

The company and the place makes the tea more special and memorable. Baldhead is all packed & set to go back home and have the most beautiful cup of tea in that same old blue cup . 

See you soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Some interesting people, some even more interesting people...
Streets of Milan

Hi from baldhead again, in a span of two hours. He is making the maximum use of the borrowed laptop for his laptop is almost a showpiece now, to share what he has, real quick. These are some images clicked during a span of last 2-3 weeks. Here, We meet them...

This image was taken during the fashion week when the entire attention was stolen by this kid who is not at all related to fashion by career but still he made a fashion statement. There was a great contrast when he was standing next to the baldhead , after all its natural not a wig.

One of the most prettiest lady according to baldhead with very sharp features and an interesting hairdo.

Bellisimo-outside the Byblos fashion show.

Somehow, got reminded of Shakespearean beauties. Dont ask him- why?.

Trendy, actually a trendsetter.

Interesting, but dressed too wintery on a day when the sun is full out .

Lady In Pearls

While writing this, Baldhead got reminded of something which we usually follow but many men do forget at times. 'Ladies First'. So, he thought of posting the images of all interesting images of Women first except the kid for he was a very interesting boy and baldhead wanted the post to start of in an interesting way. But on this note 'Respect Women'- If men think that they are superior , then they are not. Its the women who are mentally more stronger and thats why they take the pain to be 'MOTHER'.
Also, once baldhead's dad was explaining to him why in India we say that a man should marry a women who is younger than him by 5 years atleast- for the woman is superior and they match to the qualities & strength of a man way before . And, it's biologically correct.
Baldhead knows that this was totally random but he couldn't prevent himself form this random thought which came to his mind all of a sudden. If it was too random, then ignore ....but dont ignore for life.

So here cometh the men.
 Suited, even the puppy.

 Summer clothes are out from the closet.

See the mismatch waist coat, mismatch tailoring is a trend proposal during the latest fashion weeks and is already in the streets.

Baldhead is ending with one of his interests - sartorial fashion- A sartorial gentleman

Baldhead had a tiring day after some good hours of cricket though he is not a good cricket player but it didnt bother him for he got the borrowed laptop and a chance to get in touch with you all. Its morning here and he has to get up to in 2 hours for another awesome game of basketball and what helped him to be awake is 'TEA'

He is happy , grinning with his teath out.
It was nice to be back. Ciao, Namasthe and Anyongseyo(Korean-learnt from Korean friends)